
JBehave 2.0 is live!

Some ancient history

Back in 2003 I started work on a framework called JBehave. It was an experiment to see what JUnit might have looked like if it had been designed from the ground up for TDD rather than as a unit testing framework. I was also starting to use the phrase “behaviour-driven development” to describe what I meant. The domain was registered and the first lines of code written on Christmas Eve 2003, much to my wife’s bemusement. Over time JBehave grew a much more interesting aspect in the form of a framework for defining and running scenarios, or automated acceptance tests.

Two flavours of BDD, or .net gets behaviour-driven

How about that? You wait ages for a BDD framework in .net and then two come along at once! Ok, to be fair NSpec has been around for a while. However I’m talking about describing application behaviour in terms of stories and scenarios, to complement NSpec’s description of interactions between objects. (As a side note, I would love to see NSpec adopt rspec’s describe/it vocabulary rather than using contexts and specifications.)

Introducing NBehave and, well, NBehave!

Morgan Persson first spoke to me about writing a .net version of JBehave at the beginning of 20071, so I am delighted that he has just announced his first public release of NBehave. It mixes C# and in a lovely it’s-all-about-the-CLR way. So the examples are in C#, extending framework classes.

Introducing RBehave

RBehave is a framework for defining and executing application requirements. Using the vocabulary of behaviour-driven development, you define a feature in terms of a Story with Scenarios that describe how the feature behaves. Using a minimum of syntax (a few “quotes” mostly), this becomes an executable and self-describing requirements document.

BDD has been around in the Ruby world for a while now, in the form of the excellent RSpec framework, which describes the behaviour of objects at the code level. The RSpec team has focused on creating a simple, elegant syntax and playing nicely with other frameworks, in particular Rails and the Mocha mocking library.