
On craftsmanship

Well, I certainly didn’t expect that kind of interest in my last post. In the past I’ve tended to have a few hundred people reading my infrequent mumblings. In the last few days nearly 20,000 people have popped by according to my site statistics, leaving nearly 150 comments. Crikey!

Programming is not a craft


Software Craftsmanship risks putting the software at the centre rather than the benefit the software is supposed to deliver, mostly because we are romantics with big egos. Programming is about automating work like crunching data, processing and presenting information, or controlling and automating machines.

Introducing Deliberate Discovery

Last year I wrote about how we are doing planning all wrong, or rather, how we seem to focus on the wrong things when we do planning. We obsess about stories and story points and estimation, because that’s what we’ve been taught to do.

The lady in the taxi - a parable of metrics

Once upon a time there was a lady in a taxi. It took such a long time for the lady to get to her destination in the taxi that she went to the town hall and told the man from the council. The man from the council wanted to figure out why the taxi journey was so slow, so he placed cameras at all the traffic lights in the town to measure how many cars went past, and how quickly. The traffic light cameras would click every time a car went past the lights.

New translations

I currently have a backlog of about 15 blog articles I am failing to finish. The most embarrassingly laggy one dates from around the end of 2007. Now I know I’m a slacker.

However, others have been far more industrious than me.

Introducing BDD in Japanese

I am delighted to announce the official Japanese translation of Introducing BDD.

Welcome to my brain

I’m delighted to be taking part in a In the brain of… session organised by the folks at SkillsMatter.

The perils of estimation

Business people want estimates. They want to know how much it’s going to cost them to get a solution, and they want to know how likely it is to come in on time and on budget. And of course quality is not negotiable.

One day DDD track at SkillsMatter

There’s a one day domain-driven design event happening at SkillsMatter this Friday, 19 June in London. I’m not speaking this time so I get to sit back and enjoy some talented folks talking about really applying DDD rather than just theoretical stuff.

JAOO Australia

A friend of mine has a Far Side desk calendar that he describes as a barometer for how busy he is. Some days he finds himself tearing off a whole bunch of pages because he’s been too busy or distracted to tear one off each day.

RSpec book in beta

It’s finally happening - I’m writing a book! Well ok, the remarkable David Chelimsky is writing a book. It’s called Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber and Friends and myself and a few other folks are contributing in varying degrees.

The End of Endotesting?

…or why Mockito is my new friend.

JBehave 2.0 is live!

Some ancient history

Back in 2003 I started work on a framework called JBehave. It was an experiment to see what JUnit might have looked like if it had been designed from the ground up for TDD rather than as a unit testing framework. I was also starting to use the phrase “behaviour-driven development” to describe what I meant. The domain was registered and the first lines of code written on Christmas Eve 2003, much to my wife’s bemusement. Over time JBehave grew a much more interesting aspect in the form of a framework for defining and running scenarios, or automated acceptance tests.

Learning to Lean

A discussion unfolded recently on an internal mailing list that tied together two of my favourite topics, namely learning theory and Lean.

Awesome Acceptance Testing at SPA 2008

I’ve been pretty slack at letting people know about upcoming talks. I could blame workload or burnout or any number of other plausible-sounding reasons, but a lot of it is just down to not prioritising very well. I should fix that.